Concrete Pump Contractors

With three membership categories & a huge range of benefits available, we make it easy to get involved.

Pump operator membership is available to companies that own or lease concrete pumping equipment in Australia. Each class will receive a different number of benefits, which can be found in detail on the Membership Benefits Spreadsheet. Since 2017, Pump Operator Membership has been broken into 3 categories. All prices reflect one year of membership with the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia.

Small Pump Operator


Pumpers with less than 5 pumps

More than 60% of the industry operate less than 5 pumps. The small membership fee investment is 'great value' for the benefits highlighted in the Membership Benefits Spreadsheet.

Medium Pump Operator


Pumpers with 5 to 10 pumps

Medium pump operators make up 30% of the industry. Pumpers in this category are actively involved in CPAA activities. Benefits for this category are listed in the Membership Benefits Spreadsheet.

Large Pump Operator


Pumpers with more than 10 pumps

Large pump operators represent only 10% of the industry membership, however they account for over 60% of industry revenue. This membership provides significant benefits that capitalize on CPAA’s position and standing as the peak industry body.

Our Premium Sponsors

  • Antec Concrete
  • Callaghan Concrete Pumps
  • CPE Concrete Pump Engineering
  • Equipcon
  • Flowcrete Group
  • Putzmeister
  • Rapid Applications Group LLC
  • Schwing Australia
  • W Win Engineering