
The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia (Not-For-Profit industry body) represents the interests of the Australian concrete pumping industry to Government bodies, Regulators, Agencies, Standards Australia and key sector influencers.  As a Not-For-Profit organisation our activities and services we provided to members are funded partly by membership fees.

Membership fees are a tax-deductable business expense and therefore should be considered an investment in your business. Membership involvement will pay dividends through generating new business contracts through your company affiliation.

Check out the benefits of being a Member.

Membership in the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia (CPAA) affords your business with an opportunity to have a voice in shaping the future of the concrete pumping industry. So why not consider getting involved and becoming an active participant in association activities.

Visit the CPAA Shop and sign up for Membership today!

Current members

Looking for a Concrete Pump; Operator, Manufacturer,  Equipment Supplier, Pump Assessor/Inpector or Registered Work Place Trainer in your location or region, the Concrete Pumping Association Australia is the place to search for one of our members. Click on the map below to search any state, then further refine your search based on the keywords below.  Alternatively, click on 'Member Directory’ and 

Search by ‘Category’ or ‘State’ or ‘Postcode’ or ‘Name’.  

Legend for Keywords

CPAA-Inspect Inspector/Certifier of Pumping Equipment
CPAA-Manu Manufacturers and Suppliers of Pumping Equipment
CPAA-Pump Pumping Contractor (Line and Boom)
CPAA-RTO Registered Trainer of Concrete Pumping Equipment
CPAA-Supplier Supplier of services to Concrete Pumping Industry


Concrete Pumping Association of Australia does not endorse any company, business or service listed on this website. The consumer must use their own discretion when dealing with individual businesses. Members listed on this website will welcome any inquires referenced from this website. See our content disclaimer page for more information.


Membership provides you and your business with…


CPAA members now receive more standards /guideline updates, products, events, courses and publications than ever before in the Association’s history. Members are at the forefront of news, regarding innovation, changes to the industry and requirements from standards and guidelines for each state and territory.


The CPAA are constantly working to update Codes and Standards to make the industry safer. Coupled with our education and certification to increase your skills, we can help the concrete pumping industry strive for higher quality workers, increasing the overall safety of the workplace and welfare of pumpers.


The Association’s current momentum is the result of the engagement of members, which allows the industry to tackle more challenges and implement certification and training courses such as the 2019 Shotcrete Certification Course. The CPAA also aims to create certification courses for boom, line and satellite pumpers in the future .


The CPAA is always striving to find new ways to provide value for our Members and our industry as a whole. The past 12 months have been a very busy one with the CPAA being deeply involved with the development of the new Australian Standard (AS2550:15.19), as well as facilitating the Financial Benchmarking Study of 2019 (the first of its kind in the Australian Concrete Pumping Industry).

That's not to mention the work with the Queensland Government done to lobby for Industry involvement in the development of Code of Practice documents. As a Not-For-Profit Organisation, our activities are funded by YOU the members. Without the support of our Members, the Associaton would be unable to spend the time and effort needed to make REAL changes to our Industry.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Nominate up to 3 representatives to receive information circulars
  • Voting rights w/right to nominate to National Management Committee
  • Complimentary copy of 'Concrete Pumpers Annual Magazine'
  • Free access to National Expo and Picnic
  • Discounts on all products, including logbooks, Safety Stickers and Safety Manuals
  • Discounts on sponsorship and exhibition with National Expo and Picnic
  • Use of Association logo on company promotional material (e.g. website)
  • Weblink on Association website
  • Access to E-Blasts notifications and special circulars related to safety alerts
  • Access to E-Blast advertising
  • Increased professional credibility
  • Regular offers/discounts to members

With all of the above benefits and more, why not become a member of the CPAA today!

Our Premium Sponsors

  • Antec Concrete
  • Callaghan Concrete Pumps
  • CPE Concrete Pump Engineering
  • Equipcon
  • Flowcrete Group
  • Putzmeister
  • Rapid Applications Group LLC
  • Schwing Australia
  • W Win Engineering