SafeWork NSW Concrete Pump Training

SafeWork NSW reached out to the Concrete Pumping Association of Australia to facilitate and deliver a safety-related introduction on concrete placing equipment to a group of approximately 40 Inspectors. The focus of the training to include pump function and operation, inspection and maintenance (including pipe inspection) key components and safety devices, logbooks. 

The project was based around proactive visits with Inspectors checking: safe systems of work for set-up, placement and concrete operations pre and post start checks, inspection, testing and maintenance have been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements the operator holds a current and valid concrete placing boom (PB) HRW licence workers are adequately trained and are aware of the safe work systems. 

The Concrete Pumping Association of Australia puts incredible importance on this type of engagement at the Government level.  These sessions allow us to directly connect with the individuals that can help manifest real change in our Industry, from legislators to inspectors. We look forward to coordinating additional courses with SafeWork NSW in future. 

Recognition must go to our fantastic CPAA Members who helped us facilitate these sessions by providing their expertise & resources! Callaghan Concrete Pumps, W Win Engineering & Schwing Australia went above and beyond to accommodate our working groups from not only SafeWork NSW but all the other SafeWork/WorkSafe departments across Australia.

The Association ran a total of four (4) sessions over the course of March 2022. Our first session was conducted at Schwing Australia HQ on the Central Coast of NSW, our second & third sessions were at W Win Engineering's Milperra location, with the final workshop held at Callaghan Concrete Pumps in Silverdale, NSW.

The CPAA would like to extend our thanks to Mr. John Muldoon & Mr. Damien McTernan of Schwing, Mr Rob Windschuttle & Mr John Zhuang of W Win Engineering and Mr Brian Callaghan of Callaghan Concrete Pumps for their generous provision of time and resources. These sessions enabled SafeWork NSW to receive incredible on-the-ground experience as well as real-time feedback. 

Concrete Pumping Education & Training

Over the past 4 years, the CPAA has conducted industry-specific training focusing on understanding the basics of concrete pumping from a course delivered in one day. This course provides members with an overview of planning, set-up, operation, cleaning and hazards of concrete pumps in the construction industry, coupled with the important and invaluable role of using AS 2550.15 compliant LogBooks. This course is useful for supervisors, operators, competent persons, spotters and line hands.  Cost $1,500/ person.  An example of course content can be found at

We've recently re-joined Instagram! Check out some snaps from our SafeWork NSW sessions and give us a follow below!

Our Premium Sponsors

  • Antec Concrete
  • Callaghan Concrete Pumps
  • CPE Concrete Pump Engineering
  • Equipcon
  • Flowcrete Group
  • Putzmeister
  • Rapid Applications Group LLC
  • Schwing Australia
  • W Win Engineering